August 17th, 2012, was a memorable day for all of the folks at AMS. This was the day, that they had the opportunity to install a new Roofing System for Charlie & Ingrid Kellenberger, who reside in the Buccaneer Estates Community, in North Ft Myers. When AMS first heard about Uncle Charlie’s Cookie Ministry, and then had the opportunity to meet Charlie & Ingrid, they knew instantly, that these fine people truly deserved something very special.
Everyone at AMS got together, and decided that we wanted to install a new Roofing System on their home, at no charge to them, in appreciation for all of the wonderful things that they have done through out the State, and continue to do, for so many. We hope that others out there reading their story will pass it on, and perhaps want to make a donation to help Uncle Charlies Cookie Ministry continue to bring cheers and sweets to so many.
Uncle Charlie’s Cookie Ministry is a faith-based ministry started in 2004, a week after hurricane Charlie.
We saw all the help that the first responders and other people gave to survivors. I prayed for something to do even though I was in a wheelchair. That was when the cookie ministry was born. In addition, the Lord blessed our commitment to him; we donate all of the cookies to CCMI, law enforcement, hospitals, veterans, neighbors, non-profit organizations, and anyone who could just use a cookie.
Every single cookie is free and offered with love, Uncle Charlie’s priority is a monthly visit to a local soup kitchen and a weekly homeless dinner, bringing the sweets that delight.
Charlie Kellenberger has suffered many major health problems but continues to be an inspiration to the surrounding communities, he is an ordinary member of our community who believes in giving, Charlie travels in a wheelchair as a result of having congestive heart failure and a massive heart attack in 2000. He underwent five bypass surgeries. He then had a leg amputated in 2001 and is now dealing with stage 4 prostate cancer. With a big grin, Charlie says “Love your neighbor”, and also, “give them a cookie”. Uncle Charlie wants to lead by example. He is passionate about cookies because he is passionate about his faith.